Sunday, May 25, 2008

China Earthquake

Hi all, I am fine. Thank you to those of you who emailed, called or thought about me. NPR has done a wonderful job capturing the spirit of this disaster. These are some sound bytes that probably many of you have already heard, but some may not have. I don't have words for my feelings.

The quake hits as Melissa records a pastor's story. The quake was felt in Hangzhou, but on the 15th floor of an office building I was unaware as those around me evacuated:

Melissa visits scene of a collapsed middle school

A week later (yesterday) a three-day mourning period started. I was told about the mourning period but I was shocked to my core to experience the three minutes of silence (marked by air-raid sirens) while I was checking out at the supermarket. For three minutes the impossible happened, the whole nation of 1.6 billion stood stalk still. The hair on my arm still prickles when i think about those three minutes. Nearby the checkout a t.v. continued to play dreadful footage of children being pulled from wreckage. This is a taste of it:

And finally, fear still abounds as everyone waits, here to hear about loved ones and there to see what the next aftershock will do.

No word from Stone Gate Village yet, an update to hopefully come soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pls help me find out:

*Why the newer school buildings collapsed worse than the much older private structures in the same area? Kickbacks again?!

*Why most of PRC govt. officials' kids studying abroad full-time & no jobs drive the most expensive European cars to schools?

Where the money came from?

Friend of Chinese commoners.