Sunday, October 02, 2005


I am not going to Japan. I got was on my way there but I had some complicated transportation issues (sus and sarah, think haggis tour slip-up or Matt, think London-Amsterdam bus miscalculation...) and never ended up getting out of the country. I read a book a few weeks ago about a Hispanic adult living in the US. An observation was made that moving to a different country causes one to become a child again. I am beginning to think it is true. I can't read or write here. I understand little, and can't really do anything sucessful without help. For the most part, it is very necessary for a Chinese person to be holding my hand.
Luckily, this country is full of willing helpers. For the most part Chinese are eager to help foreigners in any way they can. Though I am disappointed about my silliness, I have determined to spend my week studing Chinese so I might be a little less childlike in the future and also to do some art projects, something that has been sorely missing in my life since I moved here.

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