Saturday, July 30, 2005

I`ve never been able to say that I`ve deep-fried fish sausage...

Until now. Yes, it is true. I am a fish-sausage `flying` expert. (Though I am still not sure exactly what fish sausage is.) Oka-san gave me a cooking lesson last night........I don`t think I am cut out to be a Japanese chef....or any kind of chef, for that matter. Today I had several educational experiences. This morning, while having breakfast with the Kimura family, a special came on the television about the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Everyone at the table stopped eating and stopped talking. All eyes were on me and the television. I felt a shame that was/is overwhelming. I realize it wasn`t I who dropped the bombs, and I wasn`t even alive, but still I felt the incredible weight of responsibility for the images of burned bodies and homeless people on the screen. I didn`t want to look at any of the Kimuras. I felt the shame not only of my country destroying the hell out of other countries in the past, but also now in the future. I am fully aware that Japan attacked us first, and many people say that the bombs were necessary to save more lives altogether, and also that there are supposedly many factors that go into the war in the middle east today, but honestly there must be another way of doing things besides burning everyone up and leaving the guilt for the future generations to carry. I don`t know. The second lesson of the day is that I truly am meant to have an Asian baby. I know most of you would be surprised there is even a question about it. I visited my J-sisters Eriko, Kayo and Sachiko today at Eriko`s house. There, she made us lunch and at last I got to hold her baby--Aoi (perhaps the cutest baby in the known universe). I almost stole her, but Eriko caught me trying to stuff Aoi in my bag and I had to abandon the steal-an-Asian-baby mission. The picture above is right before I tried to make off with her. I really think she suits me...don`t you? Actually, I`m quite sure of it. It was wonderful to see everyone again after so many years. They couldn`t get over that I was no longer 8 years old and I loved seeing what amazing adults, parents and spouses they had become. MMM, a good day!


shalomiak said...

hey: when are you going to set up "the fund" (for being able to adopt an asian baby)?

Cammie said...

uh, that`s in liu of a wedding registration........unless.......there is no wedding then i am going to have to do some creative thinking in order to get people to give me money. don`t jump the gun, ok?

Bob Brennan said...

I imagine mom would contribute to the fund, if she can hold the baby most of the time.

Anne said...

Cammie know I would have seriously considered giving you one of my half-Asian babies...don't worry, I'm not going there...wait...I think I just did....:-)

Susan said...

Maybe you can learn how to make that fish thing that looks like a crane when you arrange it on the plate. You know, the one that's incredibly toxic unless you prepare it just right? Think of the job opportunities that a skill like that would open up for you!