Friday, July 29, 2005

yo yo yo.

Thank you to all of those who have filled my inbox with messages of undying friendship and love (and to those of you who haven`t...WHAT`S WRONG WITH YOU?)...just kidding....... I am trying to stay very busy. I have visited the sea, Disneyland, had a lesson in urban bicycle riding (`stay to the left, Cammie-chan, left!!`), and done some shopping to quench my obsession with Japanese pop-fashion (love it!) A funny story that some might enjoy. To any of you who have known me longer than 5 minutes, you`ve probably seen me sleep (it`s my favorite pasttime). If so, you are aware that I spasm in my sleep like someone who is having electro-shock therapy. Last night, in the crowded Tokyo subway, on the way home from the sea, I fell asleep on Oka-san`s shoulder. When I awoke about an hour later, Makiko and Oka-san could hardly contain their laughter. Apparently, for the past hour I had been practically spasming constantly, shocking not only Oka-san and Makiko, but also everyone else in the subway car. If being the only foreigner wasn`t enough, the spasming drew a crowd around us with everyone staring to see what the foreigner was going to do next. Ah well, that will teach me to fall asleep in public places. No deep or profound revelations to share, sorry about that. In liu of such deep thoughts..... ....perhaps this is deep enough. Enjoy the picture of my J-brother and sister cooking the Mac and Cheese I brought!


shalomiak said...

Did you bring the cheese balls for Yoko? Any watashiwa showa?
Watch out for those narrow steps of theirs, remember they are a killer! Glad you didn't depressurize the plane like we did last time!!
We're okay here - a 3 ring circus with the 2 dogs and the kitten.
Take it a day at a time and like you told me when I moved to Texas, "You can always come home if you don't like it."
Don't be bakajikara!

Cammie said...

you`re the only bakajikara i know