Monday, September 19, 2005

I want to bang my head on the table and sing "sometimes I feel like a motherless child"

Some days I love China. Some days I absolutely hate it. Today, I hate it. It is an all-consuming, passionate, frustrated hate. It sort of blocks out any rational thoughts. Laura Mims, a teacher who taught in my province last year, told me before she went home, that each day's outcome drastically depends upon one's attitude--I know this is true, but even my most valiant efforts toward positive thinking fizzle before lunch-time. Things are challenging here, but sometimes I don't want the challenge, I crave familiarity. I crave touch---affection touch. I am surrounded by 4 million of my closest friends all day long practically standing on top of me but all I want is a hug (aren't you proud Susie?), or a hand, or just to lounge next to a friend (oh for the days of the red couch or The OC and Happy Tracks marathons).

On the lighter side, a very very very happy birthday week to Anne Caldwell (23) and Erin Burroughs (8)!! I miss you!!

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